Thursday, October 31, 2019

Data Interpretation on Autism Spectrum Disorder Essay

Data Interpretation on Autism Spectrum Disorder - Essay Example The data or results collected from various stated aspects collected were analyzed using synchronous statistics such as percentages and frequencies. It was mainly presented using charts and graphs. The respondents were supposed to indicate the student’s name, school, age, sex and date. The number of times or female was chosen depended on many aspects. In this case the respondent was also expected to describe the referred student and his or her classroom. Then later selected another referred student of a different sex and indicate the difference between the two. According to the data collected on the score of language skills in the following aspects need for help, speech response rate, asking permission, talking while outside the class and clearly and then taking turns while speaking. The language skills of students are seen to improve in the last two weeks of the session. The skill on responding adequately while talked to is seen to improve in week three significantly up to week five. Students who took part in the skills session are seen to be possession of the asking for permission from the word go, that is from the time the language skills test session start. However, as they get used to the session the skills goes down significantly compared to other language skills determinants. In the second student the respondent shows that the student language skills are different when compared to those from the first student. The student ability to ask for assistance clearly has increased significantly from the first week of the session. The student level of having an engaging speech was perfect from the first week, however, it deteriorated in week 2 and week 2 then it shoots to be among the best language skills for the students. The clear language speaking skills are evident in last two weeks of the session. In this case the student the skill on responding while being talked to has shown significant improvement.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Special Economic Zone Essay Example for Free

Special Economic Zone Essay â€Å"A Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a geographical region that has economic and other laws that are more free-market-oriented than a countrys typical or national laws.Nationwide laws may be suspended inside a special economic zone. The category SEZ covers, including free trade zones (FTZ), export processing Zones (EPZ), free Zones (FZ), industrial parks or industrial estates (IE), free ports, free economic zones, urban enterprise zones and others. Usually the goal is to increase foreign direct investment, development of infrastructure and to increase employment. † – Wikipedia On September 10, 2012, at an impressive ceremony at the Presidency, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari gave his consent to the Special Economic Zone Bill 2012. The journey from conception to signing took four long years but it was worth the wait. It all began when Pakistan Japan Business Forum, a bilateral Forum that I helped establish, floated the idea of a dedicated SEZ for the Japanese investors. The ball got rolling when Salim Mandviwalla, the energetic Chairman of Board of Investment embraced this idea and motivated his team to prepare an attractive SEZ package. It was approved in 2008 by the Economic Coordination Committee of the Cabinet while the Federal Cabinet accorded approval in principle for initiation of legislation in 2010. The Council of Common Interests also discussed this bill due to introduction of 18th Amendment. CCI approved the bill in August 2011. The Senate accorded approval in January 2012 and National Assembly on July 13, 2012. The Act would allow Developers and Zone Enterprises to plan and operate in an enabling environment that would include security, safety, availability of physical and social infrastructure, and access to all incentives, facilities, and rules of business. The central aspect of the Act is the formation of a high-powered Board of Approval with the Prime Minister as the Chairman. This, in itself, manifests total commitment towards development and success of SEZs. The salient features of the Act include the approval of Zones not less than fifty acres. Upto 30% of the Zone could be used for social infrastructure. This would be attractive for those investing and working in any particular Zone. The government would ensure the provision of public utilities and transportation links upto the zero point of the Zone. Furthermore, the government would promote the adoption of simplified administrative procedures for SEZs with relevant Federal and Provincial authorities and agencies. Such facilitative procedures include issuance of licenses, permits and approvals, satisfactory customs and other documentary requirements, easy fulfillment of tax or duties obligations, and support and authorization of modern means of communication and e-governance. The country’s labor laws would be equally applicable to the Zone Enterprises too. Moreover, the Board of Approval may, after consultations with concerned Ministries and governmental agencies, issue special rules for employment of non-Pakistanis in key managerial and technical positions. These relate to issuance of visas, temporary residence permits, as well as temporary work permits. Their dependents would be facilitated though these special rules. Each Zone shall be designated either as a Free Trade Zone, Export Processing Zone, Multilateral Economic Zone, Regional Development Zone, Reconstruction Opportunity Zone, Hybrid Export Processing Zone, Sector Development Zone, or Extra-Territorial Zone depending on specified characteristics. An ETZ would be out of the ambit of the customs territory of Pakistan so that transportation of goods and provision of services from and to these areas and to and from the customs territory of Pakistan shall be considered as export and import. They would get the same treatment for rebates and other advantages. All incentives under this Act shall be in addition to all incentives, benefits and protections that may be applicable to Developers and/or Zone Enterprises under generally applicable legislation and international agreements of Pakistan. These benefits shall not be withdrawn prematurely and any changes shall be to the advantage of the Developer or the Zone Enterprise. Developers shall be entitled to the following benefits: (a) One time exemption from all customs duties and taxes for all Capital Goods imported into Pakistan for the development, operation and maintenance of a SEZ entity, subject to verification and approval from Board of Investment. (b) Exemption from all taxes on income accruable in relation to the development and operation of the SEZ for a period of ten years, starting from date of signing of the development agreement. All Zone Enterprises shall be entitled to the following benefits: (a) Exemption from custom duties and taxes on imports of capital goods into the SEZ for installation there (b) Exemption from all taxes on income for a period of ten year starting from the date the Developer certifies that the Zone Enterprise has commenced commercial operations with the relevant SEZ. A very relevant feature is the alternative dispute resolution clause. It would be advisable to utilize the expertise available at Karachi Center for Dispute Resolution to prepare an effective mechanism for a mediation process so that the investors and developers can utilize their energies towards the success of their endeavors. Pakistan is strategically well-placed to be the ideal center for setting up industries to cater to the Middle East, Central Asian Republics, and Afghanistan markets. The country also welcomes import-substitution industries. The future benefits of the Act for Zone Enterprises would be immediate savings in taxes, duties, and other front-loading charges, a safe and secure working environment, preferential treatment of products and services (such as Reconstruction Opportunity Zones concept initiated by US Government but remains in limbo till this day), and, more importantly, accessible domestic and global markets. The various bilateral Forums, FPCCI, the Chambers and Associations, as well as Pakistani diplomats based in foreign countries must promote the SEZ Act. The Prime Minister should order the setting up of SEZ Authority and advise the provincial governments to set in motion plans to establish the Provincial SEZ Authority in their respective provinces. Hopefully, Chairman BOI must have set up the relevant infrastructure in the Board so that the foundation for implementation of the Act is firmly established. Pakistan urgently needs foreign direct investment and the Special Economic Zone Act is the Motorway on which FDI will substantially enter this country.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Addictive Aspects of a Role Playing Game

Addictive Aspects of a Role Playing Game This dissertation focuses on addictive gameplay mechanics for a role playing game. The primary motivation for the content and structure of this dissertation are based on my personal experiences from playing role playing games and research and analysis I have conducted. In this dissertation we shall discuss various aspects of mechanics in role playing game; we shall also discuss the sub mechanics related to it. What are also worth discussing are the various kinds of role playing games which have existed in the past and how they have developed and evolved RPG genre in modern times. This dissertation shall also discuss the various drawbacks and failures of current gen RPG mechanic and answers to correct those drawbacks Aim To identify various game mechanics in various Role playing games which lead that game to become addictive in nature. Objective The following are the objectives of the dissertation To identify various role playing games To explain the evolution of role playing games To identify and explain various theorems on role playing game To create new mechanics based on research Method Explanation of role playing as a genre in games Explanation of different platforms which use role playing game Explanation of game mechanics and game play Differentiation between turn based, text based, board based and real time based role playing game with respect to game mechanics Explanation of LARPS, GNS, chaos RPG and many more theorems Analysis and creation for new game mechanics and its subsystems Summary of chapters First chapter titled Introduction introduces Role playing game along with a brief history. Here readers will understand what role playing games are and how they are different from other genres. The second chapter titled Different kinds of Platforms will make readers understand how RPG games are seen through different platforms, how platforms greatly affect the scale of role playing games. The third chapter titled Game Mechanics and Gameplay introduces to reader what game mechanics actually means and how it is different from gameplay. The fourth chapter titled Game mechanics for RPG will describe readers various game mechanic rules used by RPG, will also explain popular game theorems and its working principle. This chapter will then further break down to discuss the popular RPGs and what game mechanics made their game addictive. Fifth chapter will discuss in-depth all the addictive game plays and mechanics from the previous chapter. Sixth chapter will show reader of new game mechanic and gameplay created by us and how and where these mechanics can be implemented. Introduction Video games for many years have been considered a way of storytelling. To be put short they are called interactive storytelling. Interactive storytelling means that a person is actively taking part in the continuation of a story by enacting the central character virtually. Now it is not justified to say that all video games are interactive storytellers but there are a lot of genres which hold true to this. Even arcade games like street fighter where the player had only fighting to do have a story to tell. The genre which gave the true meaning to Interactive storytelling has to be Role Playing Game. Role playing games revolve around the one central character which you play and his interaction to the world around him, it is through your decisions and choices that the story progress and the progress is almost never linear. In role playing games or any genre which used its basic mechanics never had a single ending, the game could be finished or story could be ended with different conclus ions by the choices you made. This dissertation will give a brief description on how this genre became the best tool for delivering interactive storytelling, and hence will discuss in depth the core mechanic and function which made it work and made it addictive. What is role playing game A role-playing game (RPG) is a type of game in which the participants assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories. Participants determine the actions of their characters based on their characterization, and the actions succeed or fail according to a system of rules and guidelines. Within the rules, they may improvise freely; their choices shape the direction and outcome of the games. Role playing games are broadly categorized into 3 forms based on the platform they serve. They are board games, console games and PC games. History of board based RPG Birth of RPG could be dated to 16th century Europe where traveling teams of players performed a form of improvisational theatre known as the Commedia dellarte. These theatre artist carried with them stock situations, stock characters and improvised dialogue. Helwig, Master of pages and even Duke of Brunswick which all be created as battle emulation games in late 1780 drew great inspiration for Chess. Max Boot author of the book War Made New had stated in his book that the period between 1803 to 1809 saw the Prussian Army developing War games, this war game which was same as chess had additional rules like Dice rolls for random chance of attacks and a neutral referee the score the results. Wargames eventually shifted from professional training to more of a hobby for the general public, this led to the creation of a game called Little Wars from H.G. Wells in 1913. 1970-1990 Dungeons and Dragons was the first commercially sold Role Playing game Published by TSR. Dungeons and Dragons sold around 50,000 copies upon its release which led to establishment of a cult following for BRPG (Board role playing games). Its success also led to the birth of several cottage industries and merchandises. In a period of 2 years other fantasy games appeared which copied almost the entire look and feel of the original DND. Some of the successful clones where Space Opera, Rune Quest and Dragon Rune. In the year 1977 TSR released an advanced Game Rules for its game aptly named Advanced Dungeons and Dragons(ADD), which was later improved and made into a second Edition in 1989. this project led to creation of rule book which cover every detail from finding specific weapon in loot to getting information form NPC(non player controlled character) 1990-2000 Ars Magica released in 1988 was the first game which solely emphasized on characterization and storytelling and had a loose game mechanics and combat system. This game was later bought and led to highly influenced Vampire Masquerade, which led to being a huge success. In the year 1993 Mr. Perter Adkison and Mr. Richard Garfield who were Students of University of Pennsylvania released competitive card collecting game. The theme was based on fantasy role playing and was named Magic the Gathering. 2000-todate The beginning of the year 2000 saw a massive down turn in sales of Game supplements and core books required to play the BRPG. Solution to this problem came through enactment of Open Gaming License by DND owner TSR. They spread the policy of letting other company publish DND compatible games which spread the cost of production and led to higher sales of core book. This new system named D20 system and still enjoys great success. It was during this period which led to birth of Indie Role Playing Game Developers in the internet. This birth was possible mainly due to the fact the existence of print on demand and PDF publishing. History related to Console Role Playing Game Dragonstomper was the first RPG game released on Atari 2600 in 1982. Dragon Quest was also released in this year but was only published for Japanese public, In 1989 the game was released as Dragon Warrior in America and Europe. With the release of Zelda II in 1987 the genre came to its own. Zelda which was released for Famicom Disk System was the earliest action-role playing game. Megami Tensei released for NES was the first to explore the RPG setting Beyond Medial Fantasy Theme. This game also developed the Demonà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"summoning system (DSS) which allowed players to recruit enemies. The development of DSS led to creation of games specific to its core game mechanics like Phantasy star and more popular PokÃÆ' ©mon. In the year 1990 Square developed Final Fantasy for NES which developed the Experimental Character creation system that allowed a player to choose his own party and give his characters Job calls. It also created to concept of transportation and weapon upgrade. The console genre of RPG grew leaps and bound in early 1990à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. it is in this period that Dragon Quest introduced a new way of storytelling, the divided the campaign into chapter in which each chapter concentrated in telling the back-story of a single character of your party. This is also the period when birth of fifth generation of console took place. The median was playing games was no longer cartridges but optical disks, this led to RPG having longer and more involved quest. It also led to having better audio and cinematics. In year 2000 Final Fantasy X introduced voice-acting. Final Fantasy XII features full 3D background. COMPUTER ROLE PLAYING GAME Birth of role playing games took place in computers much before it took place in consoles, the first RPG game developed in the year 1975 by a university which was text based in nature and used game mechanics inspired from DND. Popular example of a text based RPG in that period was MUD (multi-user dungeons). In the year 1980 text based RPG named Rouge which featured ASCII graphics and deep system of gameplay popularized RPG for Computer users. The older editions of Ultima and Wizardry which were released in 1983 acted as role models for more popular console RPG. A large amount of its gameplay innovations are still considered standard for current gen RPGà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. Mid 1980 also was the period of emergence for Action Role Playing games in computers. Dragon slayer Xanadu released in 1985 the first Action Role Playing game. Evolution of Multi -Player Role Playing Game Initially computer role playing game offered its users only single player experience, the popularity and emergence of multiplayer mode came in the year 1996 with the title name Diablo. Diablo contained both RPG and Action game elements and featured Internet multiplayer mode. A player would party together with 3 more players and enter the same world or dungeon and fight enemies, the game also allowed players to fight each other and test their skill. Diablo acted as the founding stone for many developers to create what today is the most popular the highest revenue generating genre in Games and entertainment media.

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Philosophy on Education Essay -- Learning Personal Teacher Essays

My Philosophy on Education â€Å"Wake up! It’s time to get ready for school.† I loved those words as a child but grew to hate them as a teen. As a child, school consisted of hands-on activities, mingling with others, and enticing lessons. As a teen, school consisted of being forced to remain seated, reading a chapter, answering the questions at the end of the chapter, and completing a worksheet. I found school to be boring and excessively routine. Therefore, I never aspired to be a teacher. I cringed at the thought of that routine! After graduating from college with a degree in recreation and spending ten years in wonderful jobs that always led me back to children, like working at a child-care center for the abused, a children's museum, and a youth organization, I’ve finally stopped resisting what I’ve now considered to be the inevitable. I’ve embraced the idea of being a teacher. Unlike the cookie cutter approach, I want education to be a different experience for stude nts than what my experience was. Education can be and should be so much more. Education should include acquiring knowledge, processing knowledge in order to become a critical thinker, having book sense as well as common sense and thinking skills, using a variety of techniques, curriculums, and/or structure, and measuring results through testing as well as application. No matter what the stage in development, whether prenatal, toddler, early childhood, middle childhood, or adolescence, I believe that given the right tools, every child can learn. My husband is a special education teacher of students with many different handicaps, including the behavioral or learning disabled. Our conversations often include: â€Å"There is something that can touch each one of... ...t teachers, we enter the profession for the child not for the money, prestige, or rank. I plan to acquire teaching certification for Language. Whether English, Reading, Sign Language, or Journalism, I believe that communication, written and oral, is key to student success. I’d also like to combine Language and Journalism with my recreation degree in order to teach Travel WV and to pursue various writing possibilities such as travel writing and children's literature. I’ve helped create a traveling exhibit on WV Writers. I’ve attended several Children's Literature Conferences. I’ve written various curriculums, press releases, manuals, agendas, and evaluations for workshops, camps, and classes. Upon certification, I’ll continue to be involved with WV Writers and Young Writers, will be affiliated with WVEA and the NEA, and will pursue my Masters degree.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

High School and Personality Traits Essay

Directions: Read the following questions and write the answers on a separate sheet of paper. Include the question as part of your response. Use COMPLETE sentences—do not use fragments or incomplete thoughts. Use DETAIL in your responses. â€Å"None, nothing, I don’t know, etc.† are inadequate responses. Your goal is to give me as much information about yourself as possible! 1. Who was your English teacher last year? Describe both your successes and difficulties in the class. 2. What is your full name? Are you named after someone in your family? 3. When and where were you born? How old are you now? 4. Describe three members of your immediate family—be specific by detailing names, ages, physical characteristics, and personality traits. 5. In what places have you lived? 6. Who is your best friend and why is that the case? Describe him/her—be specific by detailing names, ages, physical characteristics, personality traits. 7. Describe any pets you have/have had/desire to have. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 8. Describe what you like to do in your spare time, and on weekends. 9. What is your favorite TV program(s)? Why? What kind of music do you like? 10. Where have you traveled or would like to travel? Describe what draws you to that particular place and why. 11. Describe your particular talents. What do you do well? 12. Do you want to go to college? Which one? What career do you hope to pursue when you are an adult? Why? What are you doing now to prepare yourself for these goals? 13. What do you like best about school? What do you like least about school? 14. What extracurricular activities are you involved in at school or outside of school? 15. Describe any other interesting aspect(s) of yourself. CLASS COPY!DO NOT WRITE ON THIS! Detailed Biography Directions: Read the following questions and write the answers on a separate sheet of paper. Include the question as part of your response. Use COMPLETE sentences—do not use fragments or incomplete thoughts. Use DETAIL in your responses. â€Å"None, nothing, I don’t know, etc.† are inadequate responses. Your goal is to give me as much information about yourself as possible! 1. Who was your English teacher last year? Describe both your successes and difficulties in the class. 2. What is your full name? Are you named after someone in your family? 3. When and where were you born? How old are you now? 4. Describe three members of your immediate family—be specific by detailing names, ages, physical characteristics, and personality traits. 5. In what places have you lived? 6. Who is your best friend and why is that the case? Describe him/her—be specific by detailing names, ages, physical characteristics, personality traits. 7. Describe any pets you have/have had/desire to have. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? 8. Describe what you like to do in your spare time, and on weekends. 9. What is your favorite TV program(s)? Why? What kind of music do you like? 10. Where have you traveled or would like to travel? Describe what draws you to that particular place and why. 11. Describe your particular talents. What do you do well? 12. Do you want to go to college? Which one? What career do you hope to pursue when you are an adult? Why? What are you doing now to prepare yourself for these goals? 13. What do you like best about school? What do you like least about school? 14. What extracurricular activities are you involved in at school or outside of school? 15. Describe any other interesting aspect(s) of yourself.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Life Stages

In Light Of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages I think, over the period involving the first 12 to 18 months of my life, I was able to resolve the first of Erikson’s psychosocial stages adequately. My mother, during this time, supplied me with appropriate provisions of food, warmth, and the comfort of physical closeness. This allowed me to understand and accept that objects and people exist even when I could not see them. This was a major stepping stone where the foundation for trust became important. In the next period of my life, from about 18 months to 3 years of age, I was able to resolve the second of Erikson’s psychosocial stages adequately. It was around this time that I began to assume important responsibilities for my own self-care like feed myself, using the toilet on my own, and dressing myself. It was during this time also that I began learning many physical skills, including walking and grasping. I learned that I could control my own body and its functions . And that I could make things happen. Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial development came between the ages of 3 to 6 years of age. I was continuing to become more assertive and to take more initiative. My mother and my teachers at school encouraged this. I am pretty sure that I was allowed, at least on he weekends (Ha Ha), to choose what I wanted to wear and was allowed to wear whatever I had chosen. In the fourth stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development, between 6 and 12 years of age, I was learning to see the relationship between perseverance and the pleasure of a job well done. I was physically and mentally ready to be productive and to do work on my own. I also had many friends at this time and understood what friendship was. I believe that having good friends and peers helped me to be productive and succeed in both school and after school activities. In Erikson’s â€Å"identity vs. role confusion†, stage 5, from 12 to 18 years of age, I was ga ining a sense... Free Essays on Life Stages Free Essays on Life Stages In Light Of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages I think, over the period involving the first 12 to 18 months of my life, I was able to resolve the first of Erikson’s psychosocial stages adequately. My mother, during this time, supplied me with appropriate provisions of food, warmth, and the comfort of physical closeness. This allowed me to understand and accept that objects and people exist even when I could not see them. This was a major stepping stone where the foundation for trust became important. In the next period of my life, from about 18 months to 3 years of age, I was able to resolve the second of Erikson’s psychosocial stages adequately. It was around this time that I began to assume important responsibilities for my own self-care like feed myself, using the toilet on my own, and dressing myself. It was during this time also that I began learning many physical skills, including walking and grasping. I learned that I could control my own body and its functions . And that I could make things happen. Erikson’s third stage of psychosocial development came between the ages of 3 to 6 years of age. I was continuing to become more assertive and to take more initiative. My mother and my teachers at school encouraged this. I am pretty sure that I was allowed, at least on he weekends (Ha Ha), to choose what I wanted to wear and was allowed to wear whatever I had chosen. In the fourth stage of Erikson’s psychosocial development, between 6 and 12 years of age, I was learning to see the relationship between perseverance and the pleasure of a job well done. I was physically and mentally ready to be productive and to do work on my own. I also had many friends at this time and understood what friendship was. I believe that having good friends and peers helped me to be productive and succeed in both school and after school activities. In Erikson’s â€Å"identity vs. role confusion†, stage 5, from 12 to 18 years of age, I was ga ining a sense...